Welcome to the Hunting Lease Market Analysis Webmap
Since 2002, we have provided the largest confidential and accurate hunting lease market analysis for timberlands across the southeastern US. The analysis continues to grow annually in the number of participants, the volume of leases (price points), and the geographical location of those leases. These additional particpants also serve to refine the existing analysis in current markets and expand analysis efforts in new markets. Confidentially agreeements and data security mechanisms ensure that particpants are able to protect their pricing models and unable to identify the pricing of specific competitors.
The 2022-2023 Hunting Lease Market Analysis has been completed and each participant has received their annual report. The companies participating in the project this year contribnuted tens of thousands of price points which represented over 17 million acres of industrial and conservation forestland in 19 states. These leases generated hundreds of millions of dollars in annual revenue for their landowners during the current year.
If you are a current particpant in the analysis, please use the link below to login and explore current webmap and dashboards. Please reach out to your staff representative if you have any questions. WEA is pleased to continue to serve you with the oldest and most comprehensive hunting lease benchmarking analysis in the US.
If you are interested in becoming a participant in the 2023-2024 Hunting Lease Market Analysis, please contact us at corporate@soforest.com/wiregrass-ecological-associates/.