Technology Brand Announcement

New Branding, Same Passion Today’s business environment demands agile, scalable, and adaptive technology that keeps up with the ever-changing landscape. That’s why the legacy systems like spreadsheets and file based PC software, still widely used in the forestry industry, are the technological equivalent of harvesting trees with axes. Will they get the job done? Absolutely. […]

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forest stands map

Important Planet Labs Update

Images streamed in real time and apps which are always getting better represent the best of cloud computing and software as a service. To improve the user experience, Planet has recently updated the toolbar (Add-In) for ArcGIS Pro.   The Pro toolbar is the tool of choice for foresters get to their Planet imagery into the […]

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WEA Forester Examines Humanizing Hunting on Blood Origins Podcast

  Wiregrass Ecological Associates (WEA) Forester Alex Harvey was recently featured on the 97th episode of the Blood Origins Podcast. The Blood Origins podcast uses unique storytelling to raise awareness for conservation and change how hunting is viewed. Episodes encompass all aspects of hunting and conservation, featuring guests like Weatherby Award Winner Enrique Zamacola, Matt […]

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Grow and Thrive with Software that’s Alive!

By Mike Berzinis II, RF, CSM. Running your business on dead software is frustrating. Dead software may be real hard to use compared to apps on your phone, or lack regular updates which keep it relevant. Software limping along on its last legs causes one to miss out on time saving automations, modern usability and […]

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WEA Presents on Imperiled Species Considerations at Florida Master Logger Workshop

  Wiregrass Ecological Associates (WEA) recently instructed students during the 2021 Florida Master Logger Workshop in Lake City, Florida.  This 2-day initial training workshop is sponsored by the Florida Forestry Association and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) State Implementation Committee (SIC).  Loggers earn their Florida Master Logger certification by completing this workshop which includes modules […]

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