Op Tracker enables forestry applicators, site preparers and loggers with the tools to account for where and how many acres of work has been done and create professional maps and reports.
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Small family forestry businesses are experiencing increasing information demands from clients.
Information and maps are essential to plan, and operate efficiently and at increasing scale. Demonstrating the quality and completeness of work with data and maps is often a contract requirement. The ability leverage technology in daily operations will decide between who win bids and make a profit and those which are left behind.
There are few up-to-date software tools made specifically for forestry operators.
Trying to use bad software is like trying to operate with old, run down equipment – it wastes time and money. Since we work with operators every day, we understand you need tools that work and which are simple to use. Going to every machine with a usb drive and then taking that drive to the office to mess around with files and data is a 1990s thing, very frustrating and unnecessary. Op Tracker automates the process of tracking work and getting data – there is little data management for forestry folks to have to learn. All tracts maps and machine tracks are open to be monitored in any smart device or web based applications. Your data is yours, and you can always get it out as a shapefile or other formats.
Op Tracker is designed by forestry and logging professionals, and supports the way our industry operates.
Op Tracker is designed to support the way forestry landowners, consultants and operators work: 1. A landowner or consultant sends an operator a shapefile, 2. operator loads tract shapefile to a web app, 3. tablets on machines use tract maps offline and record tracks of treated or cut areas, 4. a Supervisor or office admin can see the status and completion % for all tracts and equipment from anywhere they can get online, 5. when complete, a supervisor burns off a map of completed areas and sends it in with an invoice. Op Tracker does way more than just these things – and most importantly, makes sure the big stuff gets done right the first time.
Examples of how Op Tracker is being used to address every day challenges.
We’re in this to support an industry we love.
Download a 30 day Op Tracker trial on the Esri marketplace