Prism Spring 2020 Release Available

We’re excited to announce a major release for Prism. Prism delivers Map-Centric, Automated tools for forest sampling, timber cruising and wildlife data collection. This major release includes dozens of enhancements for improved efficiency across the forest inventory business process by eliminating data management and providing quick answers to forestry questions.

Prism is part of our effort to Redefine Forest Technology which is based on the belief that yesterday’s technology won’t solve today’s and tomorrow’s challenges. As a business critical technology, Prism is part of a strategy for reliability over the long term while adapting to changing workplace demands for automation, work from home and smart devices.

Reach out to us to learn more about how Prism is a complete rethink on forestry data collection:

Look at our Prism page to see this release in action in a 3 minute video tour.